Leagues & Tournaments

Tennis, Anyone?


Senior Men's League (55 yrs+)

Competitive inter-club men’s doubles.

If you would like to play in the Senior Men’s League on Wednesday mornings, please indicate your interest when you register online and the league coordinator will contact you.  Games are played at home and away at clubs across the City

Minimum 3.5 player.

League coordinator is Peter at peteremcnamara@gmail.com


NCTA Adult Mixed League - Tuesday/Wednesday evening

Competitive inter-club league - Men's doubles, women's doubles, mixed doubles

If you would like to play in the NCTA League on either Tuesday/Wednesday evening, please indicate your interest when you register online and the league coordinator will contact you.  Games are played at home and away at clubs across the City

Minimum 3.5 player.

League coordinator is Shiraz at shirazmeghji33@gmail.com